Technical literature
In a short time it has become THE reference book for practitioners, developers, planners and supervisors:
„Die VE-Anlage – Vollentsalzung mit Ionenaustauschern“
Since 2019 it is now available in English language:
Mauer, D.; The DI-Plant – Demineralisation with IEX-resins; published 2019,
A Comprehensive Review including a Number of Associated Process Technologies,
211 Figures and Tables 348 pages; Price 89,-€ (excl. VAT; excl. postage).
Please order here:!
What do readers say?
… I find the reading excellently written and the topic of DI systems very comprehensibly explained. Just as one is used to from your training courses. I congratulate you on this work and think that everyone who deals with DI systems should have this encyclopaedia in their library. I for one am proud to own such a book.
Werner Hüssy, Rossard AG
…great compliment to your technical book “DI system”. The conception and the design are especially designed for us practitioners. In contrast to the established books, it is not written in Chinese jargon and will probably go down in the technical literature as the DI bible for users in the near future.
Harald Walter, Schaller WTI
It is good to know that our trainers have concentrated competence in their field, so that they can also make this available all round after the seminar, as here in the form of a technical book.
Carola von Bronk, Vattenfall Training Centre
You have done a lot of work to produce a work that is long overdue – the least that the professional readership owes you is appropriate praise!
Rene Montigny, GDF SUEZ KW Wilhemshaven
Congratulations again and many thanks for your efforts. Some things that were “roughly” clear to me I now understand better – especially since the world of (“large”) DI systems is rather on the edge of my IOT horizon.
Dr. Hans-Ulrich Schwering
…My respect for this excellently explained work.
Lars Dittmar, SWAN
Now all this is united in one book, where previously one had to look up in three.
Or as the saying goes: “A book from practice, for practice”.
Ralf Hauswirth, Ball
Congratulations on the successful technical book. Finally, all in one.
In the near future, the book will be indispensable for DI operators, but also for those who are otherwise interested.
With best regards from Switzerland
Rolf Zysset, Gösgen-Däniken Nuclear Power Plant AG
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